Laravel Twitter(X) Accounts to Follow in 2023

2 min readSep 9, 2023


If you’re a Laravel web developer, Twitter is a great place to interact with the community. I’ve found that it’s a perfect way of immersing myself further into the Laravel world and learning more about the framework from other developers.

You might also be interested in checking out my “Top 36 Laravel & PHP Blogs You Should Be Following” article where I list all the blogs that I follow to keep up to date with the PHP world.

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So let’s dig deeper into those accounts:

1. Taylor Otwell 🪐 (@taylorotwell)

2. Dries Vints 🪐 (@driesvints)

3. Mohamed Said (@themsaid)

5. Mior Muhammad Zaki (@crynobone)

6. PHP Guus (@PHPGuus)

7. Nuno Maduro (@enunomaduro)

8. Jess Archer (@jessarchercodes)

9. Tim MacDonald (@timacdonald87)

10. Povilas Korop | Laravel Courses Creator & Youtuber (@PovilasKorop)

11. Freek Van der Herten 🔭 (@freekmurze)

12. Marcel Pociot 🧪 (@marcelpociot)

13. Eric L. Barnes 🏝️ (@ericlbarnes)

14. Erika Heidi ✨ (@erikaheidi)

15. JustSteveKing 🥑 (@JustSteveKing)

16. Di (@DianaWebdev)

17. Jeffrey Way (@jeffrey_way)

18. Matt Stauffer (@stauffermatt)

19. Samuel Štancl (@samuelstancl)

20. ARCHTECH (@archtechx)

21. Alex Garrett-Smith (@alexjgarrett)

22. Boris Lepikhin (@lepikhinb)

23. Lars Klopstra ⬙ (@LarsKlopstra)

24. Aaron Francis (@aarondfrancis)

25. Kai Sassnowski 🥔 (@warsh33p)

26. Sanjit Singh (@justsanjit)

27. Matt Kingshott (@mattkingshott)

28. Martin Joo (@mmartin_joo)

29. Jack Ellis (@JackEllis)

30. Philo Hermans (@Philo01)

31. Dan Harrin 🦒 (@danjharrin)

32. Ryan Chandler (@ryangjchandler)

33. Adam Wathan (@adamwathan)

34. Caleb Porzio (@calebporzio)

35. Christoph Rumpel 🤠 (@christophrumpel)

36. Code With Dary (@codewithdary)

37. Jason McCreary (@gonedark)

38. Jonathan Reinink (@reinink)

39. Sara Bine (@sara_bine)

40. Zuzana (@zuzana_kunckova)

41. Larabelles (@LarabellesPHP)

42. Chris Sev (@chris__sev)

43. Francisco Madeira (@xiCO2k)

44. Michael Dyrynda (@michaeldyrynda)

45. Jake Bennett (@JacobBennett)

46. Joe Dixon (@_joedixon)

47. caneco.gif (@caneco)

48. flicknelson 🐘🍕👾😜✊👩‍🚀☁️🕶🇺🇦 (@flicknelson)

49. Luke Downing (@LukeDowning19)

50. Jason Beggs (@jasonlbeggs)

51. Stephen Rees-Carter (@valorin)

52. Tobias_Petry.sql (@tobias_petry)

53. Claudio Dekker (@ClaudioDekker)

54. Brent (@brendt_gd)

55. Pascal Baljet (@pascalbaljet)

56. Amit Merchant (@amit_merchant)

57. Sarthak (@Sarthaksavvy)

58. Tony Lea (@tnylea)

59. Martin Bean (@martinbean)

60. Zep Fietje (@zepfietje)

61. Mr. Ninja 🥷 (@ninjaparade)

62. . (@Laravelgiveaway)

63. Andrew Schmelyun (@aschmelyun)

64. Jordan Dalton (@jordankdalton)

65. Bert De Swaef (@BurtDS)

66. Punyapal Shah (@MrPunyapal)

67. Benjamin Crozat(@benjamincrozat)

68. Newton Job(@_newtonjob)

69. Peter Fox(@SlyFireFox)

If you find another one who I forgot to mention please let me know. Also support me by buying me a coffee it will be appreciated.




Content creator about Laravel and it's ecosystem, Laravel developer with four years of experience. Support me here